Our Team
At West Nashville Preschool, our early child educators are chosen for their training, experience, dedication, character and ability to connect and communicate effectively with children and adults.
They are expected to continue to grow personally and professionally through workshops, training events, professional organizations, and reading assignments throughout the year.
All teachers have state required training on the TN Early Learning Developmental Standards, Shaken Baby Syndrome, and Child Abuse Detection and Reporting, SIDS/Safe Sleep Practices, ACEs (Acute Childhood Experiences), as well as training in First Aid and CPR.
Beyond these requirements, our early childhood professionals are just that: professionals.
Although we’re all on our own step toward learning and growing, our educators are brought into our mission and believe in the importance of providing developmentally appropriate play experiences for all children in our care. "Play is the work of the child." (Jean Piaget)
To put it simply: We love what we do!
Our Team
Ms. Lindsay
Infant / Toddler Educator/Support
Koala Classroom
"I have a passion to see the minds of the world grow and flourish. I believe the best way to do this is through the eyes of children. I love to see the curiosity they have in finding new things. All children should have a voice and a big part of development is teaching them how to communicate in their own unique way."

Ms. Karrington
PreK Educator/Support
Elephant Classroom
"I love working with children because you are able to see firsthand your impact on their lives. Every child is special and different, and in a way, teaches you so much about yourself."
"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

See Our Team In Action!